Renewable Energy
Wind turbines and solar panels introduce heights, electrical shocks, and mechanical injuries, while some renewable energy sources might cause fire if not maintained properly. Biomass and biofuels can produce air pollutants. Installation, maintenance, and grid integration of renewable energy technologies require more costs. Thus, addressing these hazards through proper planning, regulation, and technology development is a must.
We offer the following solutions for renewable energy automation:
- Used To Install Solar Panels.
- Inspection: Damage to wind turbines can be inspected through drones equipped with cameras and sensors.
- Underwater Robots: Underwater robots can check hydropower turbines and infrastructure.
- Biomass Feedstock: Collection and transportation of biomass feedstock.
- Geothermal Energy: Explore geothermal energy potential through energy-efficient automation.
- Smart Grid Automation: Monitor and manage smart grid automation.